Absherthon 2024

Absherthon 2024

The initiative launched by the Saudi Ministry of Interior aims to encourage innovators and creative minds to participate in developing the electronic services and field operations of the ministry. It also aims to enable innovation in digital transformation using modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, among others.
The initiative launched by the Saudi Ministry of Interior aims to encourage innovators and creative minds to participate in developing the electronic services and field operations of the ministry. It also aims to enable innovation in digital transformation using modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, among others.
الافتتاحيه الكبيره
تفاصيل الفقره
12:30 AM
02:30 AM
اسم المتحدث
3 شركات
الافتتاحيه الكبيره
تفاصيل الفقره
12:30 AM
02:30 AM
اسم المتحدث
3 شركات
الافتتاحيه الكبيره
تفاصيل الفقره
12:30 AM
02:30 AM
اسم المتحدث
3 شركات
الافتتاحيه الكبيره
تفاصيل الفقره
12:30 AM
02:30 AM
اسم المتحدث
3 شركات